What is the definite reason for Hi10 failure?

What is the definite reason for Hi10 failure?

TechTablets Forums Chuwi Forums Chuwi Hi10 Discussion What is the definite reason for Hi10 failure?

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  • #182959
    Adam Meyer
    • Posts: 10

    If only someone after all this time could find the reason why so many of these units turn out to be expensive paperweights.  This is in relation to them not being able to power on or charge.

    I have tried all of the solutions here in relation to button pushing combinations and nothing worked.

    I took my Hi10 Air to a local repairer and they said the motherboard had died. However there seems to be no attempt by them to have opened the device.

    Going back to my main question:  Why are these Hi10 and Hi10 Air’s failing?

    How can the motherboard just fail for no reason? (If this is really the cause)


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