Chuwi HiBook

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Chuwi HiBook & Keyboard Giveway!

Chuwi HiBook & Keyboard Giveway!

We have our first giveaway on the site. One brand new Chuwi HiBook and keyboard dock. You can enter below, be sure to complete all the fields to get maximum entries. This is an international giveaway open to all. You can enter now until the 19th, Winner will be notified. 48 hours after the giveaway ends. If you haven’t seen my reviews on the HiBook you can find them below:

Chuwi HiBook Review.

Chuwi HiBook And Keyboard Giveaway

Chuwi also has more HiBook’s to giveaway on their Euro Cup giveaway promotion.

Best of luck, and thank you Chuwi for supplying the HiBook & Keyboard that will be shipped directly from China to the winner.

Video tech reviewer and tech blogger. I have a huge interest in the latest tech, tablets, laptops, mobiles, drones, and even e-scooters. Active in the tech community since 2008 days of the Omnia i900 Windows phone., founder from way back.


  1. Only 90 minutes left to enter!

  2. I’m in, thanks.

  3. !!! Take care !!! (You should know this).
    CHUWI Spain
    We have no physical service in Spain, so it is necessary to perform the procedure through the stores where the
    products are acquired. Big brands have physical services in Spain and in many other countries, but in our case
    and in the case of all Chinese companies, it is not.
    For the same reason, the method of collecting the Tablet for repair does not depend on us but from the store
    where you purchased the Tablet. It is they who must indicate how to proceed to repair.

  4. Im in! Thanks for the chance and also, thnk you chuwi for sponsoring the #GiveAway!
    Awesome tab/mini laptop.

    Much l♡ve from Kenya.
    Good luck everyone.

  5. im in too!

  6. Thanks Chris! Since Chuwi wants to make its users happy, please also support the petition for a Chuwi Hi12 with Core M and SSD here

  7. Thank you and best of luck to all !

  8. Thanks for the opportunity Chris! Best of luck to everyone 😀

  9. Hi Chris,

    have to complete 5 entries or anyone from the 5.
    Thanks a lot,

  10. Best of luck to those that enter, the draw will be on the 19th by Gleam (The site that runs the giveaway entries). So make sure you check your email after the 19th if you won or not.

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